The world is always right, it is us and our lifestyle that is always wrong.
Yes... 2023 is just away and I'm sure you are already into your "I really need another resolution for this new year" zone.
The world is always right, it is us and our lifestyle that is always wrong.
Yes... 2023 is just away and I'm sure you are already into your "I really need another resolution for this new year" zone.
I have heard people say severally that a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean.
That can be true though.
Dear esteemed friend,
I think I need to remind you that;
The trick with manifestation is not to TALK about it, but to DO it.
What makes a king is neither the crown on his head nor the staff of his office.
Whoever renders service to another put himself in line for greatness... Great wealth, great friendship, great return, great reputation and above all, great joy.
Now this is simple; we can be serviced if we serve. For service to humanity and God especially, pays the most dividends.
My words for you this week is to SERVE. It is the tuition we pay in this 'school' called LIFE.
Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.
#MyMorningThought #Monday #motivation #MondayMotivation #Greatness #MrGreatness #Purposepreacher #Dreamscomestrue #mindispowerful #Believe #Life #School
Hello My friend,
SO I Thought to remind you that... YOU ARE GOD SENT.
More like dream wrapped up in skin, sent from heaven to earth, to be an answer to prayer.
If you give too much value to the pain of the past and uncertainty of the future, you’ll waste the power of today.
I'm not going to die soon.
But what if I do? What will people say about me? Have I really deposited enough into the emotional bank account of people?
The words you speak matters. They carry power of validity.
Please note, you can't be talking like a peasant and expect you will end up in the palace. You need/have to be mindful of what you say to your life and the life of others. Don't allow the situation, condition or the environment you find yourself to rob you of your identity and personality.
Life is relentless and solid in it's ways. Displays differently for no one, boldly piercing the feelings of many.
For what it's worth, the explanation is right in your face as an experience, and how you perceive that experience will alter your perspective.
If there were ever a time to dare, To make a difference, To embark on something worth doing, It is NOW.
Happy independence day Nigeria.
I know it is tough now. I know things are not going the way you want and the way you predicted.
But guess what? To be a winner in your life you need to know the power in your DNA and make your presence felt out here!
This led me to my questions; Do you really want to win? Do you want something better? Do you feel you deserve it? If so why?
The hardest task is selling YOURSELF on YOU. If you can't then the world will not buy into your lofty ideas and daydreaming.
This just got serious friends.
Tough talk is needed to get some fire rolling in You!
The Truth?🤔
Please note that you will have to audaciously push yourself to the front, to stardom and significance in some way!
Hey my friend,
So I thought to remind you;
It Doesn’t Matter Where We Start — It’s Where We FINISH That Counts!
Short message to self.
Hey Kingsmith,
I know you struggle sometimes but in case I don't tell you enough, you are awesome.
Attitude is everything.
Your energy flows where your attention goes.
The truth is, you have got to see that glass half full and not just half empty. Of course pessimism will always tell you its half empty. That's no surprise and that's why pessimism is ignorance.
Educate it!
I have studied the life of great men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand with everything they had of energy, enthusiasm and hard work.
Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek out those answers that continues to gives meaning to life.
You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it.
Listen, your life is worth living!
I don't know you; I don't know what situation you are in or the storm that is blowing in your life right now. But no matter what you are going through, your life is worth living.
Attitude makes the difference.
You might have great talents and abilities but, if you have poor attitude it won't work.
Think of your attitude as a powerful force that attracts different kinds of people into your life.
What is eating you up? Let it go!
Yeah, it is hard to let go but really, sometimes it hurts more to hold on to it.
In order to receive much, you must risk much.v
For real, as long as existence is a risk, all other risk is worth taken. Go on. Do not listen to what critics says.
The truth is, for critics, most of them wish they were you anyway.
It's hard to change things.
I know that you can feel scared and not want to be left alone.
Now...Understand this.
Overtime, i have discovered that personal reward triggers the "feeling good substance" in our brain.
Success is not final. Failure is not fatal... It is the courage to continue that matters.
How far we climb in life is not about our external conditions, or the environment as most have been made to believe; but as a result of our internal conditionings.
Hello my friend,
So I thought to share these 5 Things A Successful, Happy Person Never Says.
As humans, we are wired to pursue anything we consider success. And this has really made many of us engage in what we call "rat race".
Ask yourself...what do you expect from yourself with regards to love, friendships, finances, career, health, and/or family relationships.
Living is a risk...
...and If you are not scared sometimes, then you are not doing it right.
Letter To My Son On His 4th Birthday.
Dear Kingsmith Akinwale Jr.
The truth is, because of you, I am a dad. I am a completely different person than I was 4 years ago.
I am a better person and I have you to thank for that.
I love you more than I can tell you. I am proud of the person you are and the one you’re becoming.
The pangs of destitutions, infirmities, impediments and every bit of difficulties; are often so devastating, unbearable, unpleasant and overpowering.
And sometimes, incapacitates and impairs our resolve, our drive, and our passion for continuity towards our desired destinations.
Hello my friend
I trust you are having a relatively good day.
So like I like to do occasionally, I thought to share with you 11 habits that destroys your focus and productivity.
Here we go 👇👇👇
Winning is an option and so is losing ladies and gentlemen.
Life is hard at times, yes. The truth is, we all have been through the tests of time.
It's time to choose you!
No where is it written or promised that climbing to our optimum was going to be easy. Life is hard, it is not funfair but warfare.
Life has a lot to teach us.
Are you the student or the drop out?
Are you a half glass full or half glass empty person? It's all what you decide to become.
Yes! Life can be hard. It can be the most joyous thing in one moment and the most grueling the next.
It is like a rollercoaster.
The truth is, momentum is a powerful force to achieving your dreams. And once you get it going, it will keep you going.
However, the question is, how do you get there in the first place?
Do you realize the difference between reality and imagination is primarily a function of your desire? Your desires are yours to follow or to abandon as you please. No one can tell you what to desire.
Dear Duchess,
The truth is, there would have been no such thing as love for me if you were not here. Your existence in my life has only helped me grow to be the person I am today. I bless fate for the day we met, and I even bless God more for the day you were born. Here’s your birthday, you’re free to merry till you drain every bit of boredom in you. You mean the world to me, and I join in celebrating this special day of yours. Happy birthday, sweetest wife.
Really, each day I am blessed to wake up, I count my blessings and count you in multiple times. I keep wondering if I would have achieved so-little-so-much without a support system as huge and effective as you as an angel God sent me. Words will fail in telling how much I adore you, but you sure know how far we have come together. As you celebrate your birthday today, I wish you know that this happens to be the happiest day of my life, because my very own soul mate was born today. Happy birthday, my amazing and loving wife
My duchess, you are the very person that motivates me to go through each day working with so much gusto, no matter how tough things are. Reaching this extent of life’s journey with you shows that you’re the best in the world for me. You are my better half, the very person I can’t go through an hour without. You own my whole world, and as you celebrate today, I want you to know that it is also my birthday, because I share in my wife’s blessings and happiness. Happy birthday, honey.
Wow! What a dream come true you have been?! Sincerely, getting to have you in my life is the sweetest dream I have watch manifest in my life. You mean more than the world to me, and there’s nothing that can be compared or the love I have for you. Babe, I want you to know that there’s nothing in the world that can ever separate us because we were created to love and cherish each other. Happy birthday sweetest wife, I pray that our bond continues to grow stronger and better as each day goes by.
My Realest Soul Mate. It’s a thing of joy to know that you are mine. We have come so far together that I keep wondering if we ever planned that this journey takes us this far. You have come to be one person I think about most in my life. Waking up to see under my arms makes me feel like the most loved man in the world. Waking up to kiss you gives me the needed energy to face the day’s stress without fear of being conquered. Today, I celebrate the love of my life. Happy birthday, world’s most beautiful wife and mother.
Oyinmi, I’d like you to know that there’s no friend that can ever take your place in my heart. You are the very person that gives me enough reason to see the beauty of love. You are one person that has affected my life more than anyone else has ever done. You are one person that cannot be compared to any other that exists in the world. You are so adorable, and my wish for you today is that our love continues to grow stronger, while your desires be fulfilled. I love you from the depth of my heart, amazing wife.
There’s no doubt you are the world's most beautiful wife.
There exist no one in the world that is as loving and beautiful as you are. You’re my whole heart, and it’s through you that I breathe. I wonder how a human can be so imperfectly perfect and loving that my breath never stops even for one day. I wish to let you know that you’re the most amazing and loving person I know, and your birthday is our birthday. Sweetie, I celebrate this wonderful day with you, even as I wish to let you know that you’re the perfect version of me. Happy birthday, sweetie. I love you more than words can tell.
It is no lie that I'm king and by that, people call you my queen. For me, you are more than that. You are my CROWN. This simply because after God, you are the only one that crowns my efforts. You beautify them. You make them attractive for the world to see. There is no one in the world that is so precious to me like you are. There is no one in the world that can ever hold my heart as close as you have done. My dearest wife, you are a prayer come true in my life. You are the most amazing and loving person in my life. You are the very person that makes me feel the beauty of love. I bless the day you were born, even as I bless the day we met. You own my world, and I celebrate the queen of my kingdom today. I love you more than words can express, babe. Happy birthday, Duchess.
Dear Duchess, I wish to let you know that my whole life is filled with thoughts about you. There’s nothing within my reach in this world that I will not do to prove the depth of my love for us. Sincerely, you have come to shape the most amazing and loving part of my being. You have come to be the most amazing and perfect part of my being. You have come to be one person I think about on a per second basis. You mean the world to me, sweetie. Happy birthday, baby.
To The Most Adored Person In My Life
When I look at you, all I see is perfection. I have never met another human in the world that is as loving and perfect as you are. You are the very person that is my addition. You’re the very one that makes me smile even through the darkest moments of my life. You’re one person I can’t ever dream to live without. As you mark your birthday today, I pray the blessings that come with it cause our love to be more beautiful and amazing. Happy birthday, world’s most loving wife and mother.
The kids and I appreciate you. And we pray God keep keeping you for us as you keep blazing the trails.
Smash it this new year again.
Yours forever,
Your Duke,
Kingsmith Akinwale Snr.
To think, to talk, to behave and to act like everybody is to end up as a nobody.
Therefore until you are ready to be different, you can never make a difference in life.
You did everything right. You went to bed at a decent time, woke up early, only had one cup of coffee, then sat down at your desk with all your goals in mind, feeling ready for the day — or so you thought. An hour goes by, two if you’re lucky, and a thick, slimy wave of brain fog sifts down over your head until you can’t think clearly. Your eyes feel heavy, as if you didn’t get a full night’s rest, and all of the motivation you had before had flickers out into nothing. Sound familiar? Your problem may be that you are not getting quality sleep at night.
It is a common word which we all use while talking about success. We all know consistency is the key to success.
"We become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become each day." -Richard G. Scott
After his father had mistakenly blinded him in both eyes by bird shot during a game hunt, young Henry Fawcett empathized his father with these consolation words, "never mind father, for I will not allow blindness to interfere with my success."
Do you realize too often you allow yourself to be distracted by all the moments that have happened and the ones to come?
86 billion. That’s the number of cells your brain has. Without a doubt, the gooey mass between your ears is controlling your body like nothing else.
It only makes sense to spend most of our time taking care of it. But we don’t. In fact, most don’t even think the brain needs care. Experts have determined that our modern lifestyle is chipping away at our neural pathways, making us slower, dumber, and less creative.
Faith is trusting God even when you don't understand His Plan.
Overtime, I have discovered that many times in life we begin to add logic to everything that is happening in our lives and those logic make our life so miserable that we feel inferior of our existence.
Dearest Bleeding Soul,
If you find yourself reading this, take every word personally to your heart. Tuck it away, sow it like a seed, and nurture the love into your innermost being.
Dear Queensmith,
Happy Birthday my sweet and sassy baby girl. I can hardly believe you are two years old. What fun this past year has been. Watching you grow has been one of the many highlights of this year. It is safe to say you are one smart cookie.
As I awaken with the gift of yet another day and prepare for the tasks at hand, I offer up this most ardent prayer;
It's amazing how people upgrade their phones, their computers and try to keep up with the latest in fashion and yet they forget to upgrade the most important thing - their minds!