Monday, 29 April 2024

Be Faith-Full By Kingsmith Akinwale


Living is a risk...

...and If you are not scared sometimes, then you are not doing it right.

I tell people, don't worry about mistakes but about what you are giving up when you don't even try. Don’t complain about the difficulty.

Monday, 22 April 2024

To Change, Be Deliberate By Kingsmith Akinwale



Our rising in life is often thwarted by our lust for convenience. We all desire change for a better life, but we are seldom decelerated by the subtleties of wanting more returns for lesser inputs.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Letter To My Son On His 6th Birthday By Kingsmith Akinwale

Letter To My Son On His 6th Birthday.

Dear Kingsmith Akinwale Jr., 

Another 21st of April, another birthday for you.

Just six years ago your mum 'laughed' you in to the world – literally.  I won’t scar you with too many gory details as i was fully present that very day, but I will tell you that you came into the world as she laughed out loud – a great, big loud, guffaw…. and I had the pure pleasure of pulling you up onto my stomach. I was the very first one to touch you as you were born. What a joyful day for me.

Monday, 15 April 2024

Believe By Kingsmith Akinwale



Yes! Life can be hard. It can be the most joyous thing in one moment and the most grueling the next.

It is like a rollercoaster.

Monday, 8 April 2024

The Willing Power By Kingsmith Akinwale



This is not because of lack of abilities, gifts or even talents.

Actions, they say speaks louder than your words, but your thoughts dictate your life.

You must note that the biggest struggles you will ever face in your life is not gonna be temptation, the devil, not even the fight for your faith but THE REHABILITATION OF YOUR MIND. 

Can I boldly make a statement?

The most powerful thing on earth is your WILL!

Look, even God, the creator of everything Heaven, Earth, under the Earth will not change the mind of anyone outside of one's will. Yes, this may be difficult to receive but it's a simple truth.

Nothing changes until your conceptualization is apprehended. 

What you see and what you hear are small steps to what you are capable of doing as your life is the result of what you conditioned yourself to believe.

It is true that salvation doesn't guarantee conviction but conviction is a means to salvage your life!

There are some stuff you've been wanted to ask for but because it had been kept from you through rejection for so long, you are afraid to ask again. That is the power of the Mind. 

This moment you are in right now is the right moment for you to go after the things you always wanted, there will never be a better opportune time than the one you got!

You must decide to pursue, recover and take over what's yours.

Boom. It's a new week my friend, let's make magic happen again.

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.

#MyMorningThought #MondayMorning #Monday #MondayMotivation #Will #PowerOfWill 


