7 Easy Ways to Finish Strong this Year
We are already into the third quarter of 2015 and thus far it's been a bumpy ride. Sometimes, it felt like every step forward I made, I was actually moving two steps backward. I’ve managed to clear a few hurdles whilst others blindsided me. In spite of the many ups and downs faced, I plan on finishing 2015 strong.
With 4 months left until the end of 2015 - Here are 7 Questions to make sure you are on track:
1. Have you accomplished what you set out to do this year?
2. If not, how close are you to accomplishing your goals?
3. Did you take risks or did you remain in your comfort zone?
4. Are you at the same place you were last year?
5. What did you accomplish?
6. Are you proud of your accomplishments?
7. Are you living the life you've always imagined?
If not, you may need to conduct a gap analysis to assess where you are and where you need to be. Sometimes it may mean you having to adjust your sails or just start over again.
Here are my 7 Easy Ways To Win This Year:

1. Set Goals. It’s never too late to set new goals. Write them down. If you don’t set goals you will be drifting aimlessly to wherever the winds take you. You must form a plan. Eradicate time wasters. Take risks. Have a clear road map to avoid going around in circles and to ensure you reach your destination in the most efficient and effective manner.
“ Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down.” ~Ray Bradbury

“I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the
game of being better than anyone. I am simply trying to be better than the person I was yesterday.” ~Unknown

3. Focus on your Skills and Talents. Embrace your distinctiveness. Learn from others but don’t try to imitate them. You will be a poor replica. Find your gift. What is your core purpose? What it is you were given that no one else can do better? Allow your reason for being here to lead you to do the amazing things you were destined to do. Focus on your strengths and work on developing your shortfalls. Always seek personal development (spiritual, emotional, mental, social and physical). No one can play your role better than you. What you have to offer is incomparable and will definitely set you apart. Compromising the essence of who you are to find success can be likened to holding on to grains of sand. It will always slip through your fingers. Once you become who you truly are (self-mastery) you will make the most of this life that you have been given.
“You were born an original. Don't die a copy.” ~John Mason

4. Be Positive. The longer the course is with no end in sight, the more it becomes a mind game. Stop doubting yourself. Replace negative thoughts of inadequacy with positive affirmations. ‘I can and I will!” Changing your perspective on difficult situations will lead you to a more successful life. Keep on smiling because when you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you. Happiness increases your focus and fuels your passion. Choose happiness now. Look within but also draw strength from the energy of the supporters who are cheering you on. Forget the naysayers. You will face many obstacles along the path including fear, failure, rejection, financial woes, fatigue, loneliness and despair. But don’t give up. You may get disappointed but don’t be discouraged. Now is not the time to give up, press on with more fervency. It may be rainy right now but just remember the sun is shining above the clouds. Keep moving forward one step at a time, slowly but surely you will get there.
“There are times you will want to give up…DON’T!”

5. Form Alliances and Strategic Partnerships. Work as a team. If you can’t win in the individual undertakings, try joining a relay. Find a mentor or coach. It doesn’t matter how naturally talented you are you may still need a coach to help you achieve your full potential. Look for opportunities others may overlook. Seek out those who have traveled the path before and align yourself with those whose skills complement yours. Surround yourself with the “movers and shakers” and leaders in your field. Run with the leading pack; those who will champion you and encourage you to keep running.
"Whatever vocation you decide on, track down the best people in the world at doing it and surround yourself with them.” ~Scott Weiss

6. Work Hard -Train hard. It all comes back to working hard. There are no shortcuts in life. These all lead to dead ends. Giving 99.9% is not sufficient. You must give 100%. It will take a huge commitment and you will have to make the necessary sacrifices. It all boils down to how bad do you really want it? If I want something, I give it everything I've got. You cannot lose if you have done everything on your part. Be persistent. Have vision like an eagle and keep fighting for your dreams. Stop procrastinating or wishing and start doing. Action fuels success. I try to do at least two activities a week that will push me closer to achieving my goals. Even if it’s a small step forward, it’s still a step forward.
Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in. ~Bill Bradley

“ Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don't forget to enjoy the journey. ~Michael Josephson

With 4 months left you can make that change to accomplish your goals. Don't live the year you lived last year, this year. Whatever your goal might be know, you have everything you need to make it happen.
The prize is sure if you endure to the end. You may not begin well but you can surely end well.
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