Today is December 18, 2015 and most of us are carrying a computer in our pocket (Some on our watch or integrated into our glasses). Mobile phones are a thing of the past, and pocket supercomputers are all the rage. What are you doing with your mobile device? Is it allowing you to let go and enjoy your life more, or do you find it is eating up precious time you'll never get back.
The paragraph above represents one of many things in modern life that can actually hinder letting go. It is often in life, we are presented illusions of enjoyment. However, when you take a step back from them, you realize, they are empty time wasters. Sometimes it isn't the device or thing you are doing, but it is how you are using it that can affect the outcome. Positioning is key for all success. It is important to pay attention to the position you are putting yourself in, and it's relation to the world.
Let's take a look at 5 Ways to Let Go and Enjoy Life
Pick One thing on your "I've always wanted to try that" list, and DO IT! If you like it, find a way to integrate it into your life. This doesn't have to be bucket list type of stuff. Get creative with this list. It can be as simple as turning off your mobile phone, computer, and TV after 5pm for one evening. Unplug. See how it feels. Don't let the grid own you, own the grid. Experiment with Letting GO.

Stop Hanging out with Norm
We all know Norm(al). What is normal anyways? Is it normal to work 9-5, come home do the same thing every day, and complain about it? Maybe you see someone else doing something interesting to try, but in your mind's eye, that isn't "normal". Your friends and co-workers might not consider anything out of the "Norm" ok for you. Is that holding you back? Who is the referee of normal? Honestly, who really gives a shit! If you are not happy with Norm(al), then step out and have some fun!
Vacation Every Day
When are you "going" on your next vacation? Who invented the "staycation"? I'm not sure, but they were pretty smart. Of course if you're located in a freezing cold place in the winter, but would rather be in Hawaii, then location comes into play. However, we do have the option to focus on mindset. Many people who are going on vacation get into the "vacation mindset". They are able to shift from one gear to the next. If you have noticed, this can even happen days or weeks prior to physically leaving for vacation. Get in touch with your vacation mindset, and start using it today.
Unlock Your Mind
Get in the mood. It is important to provide yourself tools in which to unlock your mind to let go and enjoy your life to it's fullest. Tapping into our senses is an excellent start. Explore smells that brought you back to a great childhood memory. Find music that unlocks the mind to the place you want to be. Grab your air guitar and have a good time. (Personally, I do really well on the air guitar)
Laugh at it
Laughing is one of the greatest tools to unlock the mind but it deserves it's own section. Are you finding yourself not laughing enough? If there aren't any funny people in your life, and you're really not that funny, not to worry. Every type of comedy is covered by so many different really talented entertainers. See them live, watch their shows, read their books. Take it a step deeper, and find humor in the parts of life that provided previous frustration. Let laughing be one of your greatest tools, and best medicine.
Today is the day.
Now is the time.
Let Go and Enjoy your Life!
What are some ways you have found helpful in upgrading your lifestyle? What are your favorite life hacks? What's your favorite Joke? Let's laugh a little! Please comment below.
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