Wednesday, 22 June 2016

3 Ways Getting Fired Could Help Your Career By J.T O'Donnell.

3 Ways Getting Fired Could Help Your Career
Experiencing an, "involuntary termination" - as it's called in HR, is not fun. Nobody likes losing their job. Besides giving you a crisis of confidence, it also creates some additional challenges to your job search. For example, how to properly answer the question, "Why were you let go?" in your next interview.

[This article on INC explains the most common ways people get fired today.]
As career coach who has worked with hundreds of people trying to cope with getting fired, I've got good news: many people who get terminated end up better off in the long run. Here's why:
1) It forced them to re-evaluate their career path. When looking back at the course of events leading up to their termination, they realized that part of the problem was rooted in the fact they weren't happy with what they were doing for work. It forced them to contemplate whether staying in the same job, industry, profession made sense. Resolving that internal conflict helps a person get clearer on what they need to do to feel more satisfied and successful in their career.
2) It made them take better ownership of their business-of-one. Many people who get terminated admit to feeling like they were held hostage with a set of golden handcuffs from an employer. People who work for a company are employees. People who work with an employer are business partners. If you want greater control over your career, you need to take more ownership of your business-of-one so you can choose who you want to partner with. Ultimately, leading to a better relationship - and making it less likely you'd be unexpectedly terminated.
3) They learned they were capable of overcoming a professional setback. As much as being fired hurts and messes with your confidence, it's how you choose to deal with it that has the greatest impact on your future. Using your GRIT (Guts, Resilience, Intelligence, and Tenacity) to pick yourself up, move forward, and focus your time and energy on getting a new job is vital. There is no sweeter revenge to being terminated than finding a new, better-fit job that you enjoy.
Getting Fired Has Happened To Millions Of People (Even Famous Ones!)
Every day, somebody gets fired. You aren't alone. In fact, you can take this quiz of 10 famous people who got fired. If you've been terminated, you're in good company, along with Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Abraham Lincoln.
Don't let getting fired define you. Use it to your professional advantage!

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