Almost one-fifth of the UK's workforce, regularly work overtime and receive no extra pay, according to recent studies. While these millions of people's' unpaid work hours can help to boost the economy, they will not see any that £30 billion themselves.
Working late is one of the top factors in the ongoing work-life balance conflict. Whether it's a heavy workload, a busy schedule or employer expectations, many workers are finding it difficult, even when they love their job. There are many reasons why you should leave work on time. Here are the top 5 reasons why working late is bullsh*t.
You Need to Recharge Your Batteries
Just because you're working late, does not mean you're working hard, despite what people believe. Working long hours does not necessarily mean you're getting more done. Often, a short work day can allow a worker to focus on the tasks they need to complete, by avoiding distractions. Long, laborious work days can actually decrease your attention span, which would make it difficult to concentrate and reduces your overall productivity.
It's not hard to fall into a cycle of late night work. If you work late, then you'll be tired the next day which would make you less productive. Then you have to stay late again in order to catch up on incomplete work tasks. This can become a dangerous routine. Even if you love your job, you need to be able to leave at a sensible hour so that you can have a life outside of work.
Staying Late Is Bad for Your Health
A recent study showed that people who work late in the office are at an increased risk for strokes and heart attacks. By leaving early you can rest. Feeling well-rested can improve your mental health, reduce your risk of diabetes, and boost your immune system. Now you can honestly tell your boss that staying late is very bad for your overall health.
Being well rested can also help to boost your productivity during regular, shorter, work hours. While leaving on time can help your mental health and productivity, working late can make you feel resentful towards your job.
You Should Be Able to Complete Your Tasks During Your Working Hours
Your set hours are your work hours for a reason. If you are not able to complete your workload in time, forcing you to stay late again and again, you may need to speak you your boss, manager or colleagues about the work distribution and responsibilities.
You should be able to complete your work within your set hours. If the current system of work distribution does not work for you, find a way to change it.
Staying Late Will Not Help You Reach Your Long-Term Goals
What are your priorities? What are the major goals you're working towards? Is your overtime helping you reach your goals? Most likely your overtime is putting a halt to your other plans. That's why it's time to stop.
Your priorities may lie with your work or personal life. Working overtime will not help develop your goals in either of those areas.
Extended Hours Don't Mean Extended Productivity
To see the relationship between work hours and productivity we need to take a look at a country that shows the benefits of shorter work days: Sweden. Swedes are well known for their take on education, their meatballs and their easy going approach to work. In Sweden, there is a mutual respect between employees and employers.
The average Swede has 25 vacation days, but those working for large companies have more. Around 1 percent of the Swedish workforce, work more than 50 hours per week and it's rare for people to be in the office after 5pm. Despite their short hours and long holidays, productivity remains high. The Swedes get the extended productivity without the extended hours.
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