See that enterprising guy above? Let's imagine he considers himself to be a "self-made man". If that were true, this is how he'd look: like a guy driving an imaginary bike.
I respect you if you have initiative, determination, or tenacity. The same is true if you demonstrate grit and keep going long after many others have quit.
But when you start talking about being "self-made", that's the tipoff that you don't have a clue.
Translated, this means, "I don't care about anyone but me."
It means you don't value the contributions of any people with whom you have worked: your employees, mentors, investors, or customers. I don't even want to guess what it implies about your parents, relatives, and friends growing up.
Look, I recognize that some people have brutally tough early lives and literally claw their way into society. But, at some point, you MUST engage others to accomplish anything that's significant.
I am sick beyond words of listening to CEOs and company founders talking about how much they have accomplished, how special they are, and how much praise - and money - THEY deserve.
Sure, once you acquire a certain amount of power, you can get your way while minimizing the contributions of others. People need jobs, and if you pay them enough, they will work for you even though they go home at night and throw darts at your image.
But this doesn't mean you are self-made. It just means you are blind to the contributions of others.
Let's be real. I am not going to sway the attitude of any ego-driven wealthy mogul who thinks s/he is God's #1 gift to the planet. But there are a host of people - I'd include myself in this category - who every now and then forget just how much others have guided us, nudged us in the right direction, and stopped us from acting like a fool.
So, before you end your day, take a moment to be grateful to some of the other people responsible for your success.
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