Saturday, 18 January 2020

Productivity By Kingsmith Akinwale

How do you get things done?
When are you most productive?
What things are you getting done?

If we want to move the needle in our life, we
need to get the right things done, at the right
time, in the right way.

Here is what it looks like for me.

First, I determine the #1 thing I can get done
for the day that also moves me closer to my
big goals. This is the right thing.

Second, I block my time first thing in the
morning before the rest of the world is
awake. This is the right time.

Third, I invest time filling myself up with
God's Word and prayer right before I focus
and work on the right thing. This is the
right way.

What works for you?


Pick your most productive time of the day.

Shut out all distractions - phone, text,
email, social media, interruptions.

Invest the first part of the time filling
yourself up. Then, work on your #1
priority that moves you closer to your
big goal.


Two questions for you:

Do you think this strategy will work?

Do you have big goals and dreams?

You know what to do!

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.

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