Wednesday, 24 November 2021

How To Get Smart By Kingsmith Akinwale

 I met with a young chap(age 9) in my office yesterday. And I expressed my view of him. He was surprised. And he asked;


Then I shared with him the story of the four monks.


Monday, 22 November 2021

Why Is Will Smith's Book "Will" So Controversial? Why Do So Many People Love It And Others Despise It?

Don’t get me wrong, I love Will Smith, the man. Will Smith, the actor. But I am not he is quite sure he loves himself. The book Will is, above all, pitiful. The tale of a man who has, for what seems to be like decades, played the second fiddle even in his own home. His wife, Jada, forever in love with legendary dead rapper Tupac Shakur. Cheating on Will with a friend of their own son.

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Sometimes, We Need A Pick up By Kingsmith Akinwale

 Sometimes we need a pick up...

Facing difficult times, tarnished friendships, broken hearts, bills, etc. Needless to say, life is full of its ups and downs. 

If you're going through something in your life it's because you're strong enough to handle it.

Often times, the worst situations bring the best out of us. 

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Monday, 8 November 2021

Life Is Not Easy By Kingsmith Akinwale



Oftentimes we are confused and confounded by it. Sometimes life just does not make sense.

Friday, 22 October 2021

7 Powerful Lessons Solopreneurship Taught Me. By Lena Sesardic.

 Lena Sesardic

Being a Solopreneur for the Past 19 Months Taught Me 7 Powerful Lessons

You know how they say a startup is about solving a problem before running out of money?

Well, they missed the part about running out of energy. I’ve been a solopreneur for 19 months now and I’ve found the scarcest resource to be my energy.

While you may be able to extend your financial runway, you can’t extend your energy beyond what you have.

So here are seven things I wish I’d known about being a solopreneur that would’ve stopped me from wasting my precious energy in the wrong places.

If you’re a solopreneur or are thinking about becoming one, I genuinely hope these insights will increase your success rate.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Move On By Kingsmith Akinwale


Sometimes, when you have outgrown the situations in your life and you are not aware, or do not have the courage to move on ~ life will move on you.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Believe By Kingsmith Akinwale


Yes, believe. Believe in the power that can set you free once you decide to "unleash" it.



Monday, 11 October 2021

Life is Life No Matter What By Kingsmith Akinwale



Life is relentless and solid in it's ways. Displays differently for no one, boldly piercing the feelings of many.

For what it's worth, the explanation is right in your face as an experience, and how you perceive that experience will alter your perspective. 

Pain may have shadowed your life throughout the years and will continue. However, you decide what life is about, and if life is about pain, that's ALL you'll experience. 

Eric Thomas says," You owe YOU an explanation." 

So is life the cause of where you are? Have you ever looked in the mirror and blamed yourself for the life you live Or you're just steady pointing fingers at every opportunity life throws your way? If life is about what you do with what you have, sudden change flourishes out. 

Most people think life is what they do with what they don't or didn't have. Not quite!

Steve Harris will say, "it is not what you don't have that limits you, it is what you have but don't know how to use". 

Now if what you do with what you have isn't directed to your purpose, you're already dead Or insane for that matter.

Expecting an extravagant effect yet the cause directing elsewhere. Living the same life wondering when your time is to come?

The truth is,your time will come when you DELIBERATELY create lasting change by giving yourself a good enough explanation so you need not from everything else. 

Life explained all that's needed to be explained with what you have and are today. What guaranty will you hold yourself accountable for?

Because life itself has no guaranty but many want an explanation.

What excuses confines you productively? An excuse may seem Or even be a fact, however it establishes how afraid you are of life circumstances. 

Everything, Everything, Everything life has for you is simply a message that needs to be read in the right way. Can't find the message within you? Know that YOU owe YOU and NOTHING else with confine you! 

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.

#MyMorningThought #Monday #motivation #MondayMotivation #Greatness #Purposepreacher #Dreamscomestrue 





Thursday, 7 October 2021

Letter To My Mum On Her Birthday

 Letter To My Mum On Her 60th Birthday.

Today is my mom’s 60th birthday! I can’t believe it! I’m so thankful for the 60 years that the Lord has given her, and hopeful for many more!

Friday, 1 October 2021

Happy Independence Day, Nigeria By Kingsmith Akinwale

 Happy independence day Nigeria.

I know it is tough now. I know things are not going the way you want and the way you predicted.

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Winning Is In Your DNA By Kingsmith Akinwale


But guess what? To be a winner in your life you need to know the power in your DNA and make your presence felt out here!

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Guard Your Mind By Kingsmith Akinwale


Here's the question;

Would you hand the keys to anyone and let them open the door to your home and just walk in messing up the place?

Sounds crazy but you let this happen when people are able to talk to you with negative, pessimistic and non intellectual conversations.

Start standing guard and deciding to tell them to go away or don't even answer the door with their rude knocking. 

Are you there?

I trust you are getting what I'm saying right!

So every experience you have affects your self esteem, self image and self awareness. Limit the viruses of what people upload and want to download into your hard drive of the mind.

Counteract and protect that powerful mind that is the last explored wonder of this world. Feed it food for thought by reading something positive and listening to something positive everyday for at least, 30 minutes. 

Remember, to be more you must become more. To become more you must know more. Choose wisely what you want to know. 

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.




Monday, 20 September 2021

Make A WAY For Yourself By Kingsmith Akinwale



Please note that you will have to audaciously push yourself to the front, to stardom and significance in some way!

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Ways To Increase Twitter Followers By Kingsmith Akinwale

How do you increase followers on Twitter?

This is how to get a big fat Twitter following, fast!

A couple of quick basics first. What topics to choose. How you can add value to Twitter. Why and how you need to build credibility. And, last but not least how you can engage with others to grow your following 

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Forgiveness Is Key By Kingsmith Akinwale

In the pursuit of goals, forgiveness is key.

The truth is, when we find inner peace and become one with our self, it allows us to become one with the universe and nature.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Facts To Note By Kingsmith Akinwale

Hello my friend,

I trust you are doing great today. Awesome 👍

Here are some personal nuggets of life I thought to share with you, again. ✌️

Monday, 13 September 2021

The Courage To Take Responsibility By Kingsmith Akinwale

 The Courage to Take Responsibility!

The first and greatest form of courage is the courage to take responsibility for your own life.

Like it or not, you alone are responsible for the person you are today, the state of your heart, and the shape of your life.

Saturday, 11 September 2021

Every Creature With Its Nature By Kingsmith Akinwale

A man sees a snake dying in flames and decides to free it from the fire. As soon as he catches it, the snake bites him causing excruciating pain. The man immediately drops the snake and the reptile falls back into the burning flames.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Friday, 3 September 2021

Clarity By Kingsmith Akinwale

The moment we decide to surrender to the natural rhythm and flow of life our path will unfold smoothly.

The truth is, sometimes we tend to try to control everything and in doing so we are blocking ourselves from the magic that can unfold in our lives.

Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Be Deliberate About The Words You Choose By Kingsmith Akinwale

Hello my friend,

Do you realize the words you use influences the thoughts and the actions you take?

Here's an example... "I will".

Monday, 23 August 2021

Finish Well By Kingsmith Akinwale


It Doesn’t Matter Where We Start — It’s Where We FINISH That Counts!

Now, it’s no secret that we don’t all get the same start in life.

Life just isn’t fair, no matter how much we try to level the playing field.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Your NETWORK Determines Your Networth By Kingsmith Akinwale

Jobs from N500k upwards are hardly advertised. If they do, it’s to fulfill righteousness or show one top boss that they’ve followed official recruitment processes.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Life; A Rollercoaster By Kingsmith Akinwale


Yes! Life can be hard. It can be the most joyous thing in one moment and the most grueling the next. It is like a rollercoaster.

Friday, 5 February 2021

My Letter To The Bleeding Soul By Kingsmith Akinwale

 My Letter To The Bleeding Soul

Dearest Bleeding Soul,

If you find yourself reading this, take every word personally to your heart. Tuck it away, sow it like a seed, and nurture the love into your innermost being.

Thursday, 28 January 2021

The Attitude Of Gratitude By Kingsmith Akinwale

Imagine how it makes God feel when you can still praise Him through hardship? 

It takes an extraordinary type of gratefulness to say Lord Thank you for this one bed room apartment, it may not be the best Lord but there are others out there who wish they had the luxury of a one bedroom apartment, rather than complain. 

Friday, 15 January 2021

Social Skills To Be Learnt By Kingsmith Akinwale

 Hello my friend,

So I thought to share some useful social skills that can be picked up quickly?

Some social rules that may help you to look professional and even make you better as a human.

Read on...

Sunday, 3 January 2021

Be Renewed By Kingsmith Akinwale


Forget about the disappointments of yesteryear(s). Start anew! Receive fresh life, strength and ideas.