Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Take Back Your Power By Kingsmith Akinwale


The truth is, your energy flows where your attention goes. 

The question now remains; who or what are you attending to that will not show up for you when you need some attention? 

Remember this, invest more of your efforts on you and your life will change for the better. Yes, socialize when you have some free time after working on you but be mindful of your group.

The truth is, we are the average of the 5 people we associate with the most.

So are they improving their lives? Do they have a plan for what's next or just going along where the wind takes them? Are they inspired? Do they want to improve? As a mentor would say, "don't be casual about your life or you will end up a casualty".

Don't be a chameleon trying to blend in. That's called trying to survive. Get out and show out to thrive! Be alive. Surround yourself with people of enthusiasm because. It's contagious. Read, listen and observe. Your life will then give you what you rightfully deserve. 

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.


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