Monday, 25 November 2024

Your Life Is An Adventure By Kingsmith Akinwale


There is a priceless and magnificent adventure waiting for you right now to explore.

It is your life!

Take a look around you. There are countless places to be explored, people to meet, things to be learned and challenges that will give you strength and fulfillment.

There is so much to be lived and experienced.

You could spend a thousand lifetime doing it all.

So dear friend, my words for you this week is to RESOLVE NOW TO FILL YOUR ONE LIFETIME WITH SO MUCH 'LIFE' AS POSSIBLE.

Take delight in the adventure.

Release 'things' that does not serve you again. Run away from your old you and say goodbye to friendships, relationships, conversations, places and behaviours that is keeping you from living your true purpose and greatness.

You have got to know that there is something better for you ahead.

Do not make someone a priority when they only make you an option.

Know who to count on because in the same way, you will know who to count out.

Choose to count on YOU friend. You might not be the best now but you can be better. Moreover, "Best is only found in the grave".

It's another beautiful week starting today. Let's make magic happen again.

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you.

#MyMorningThought #Monday #motivation #MondayMotivation #Greatness #Purposepreacher #Dreamscomestrue #mindispowerful #Believe 




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