We spend half of our lives in a working environment, surrounded by colleagues who each have their own story to tell. Inevitably, you’re not always going to get on with everyone you work with, that’s human nature. We’re not programmed to gel with every person on the planet, some we clash with, others we naturally gravitate towards.
I’ve been building and scaling businesses for 30 years and, during this time, I’ve come across just about every type of colleague you can think of. For me, office culture is at the top of my priority list and I always try to ensure my team are in a happy, working environment they can thrive within alongside people they don’t dread spending their day with.
So, what are the typical office personality types and, more importantly, what is the best way to work with each?
The one with the big personality
Every office has that one person who some may, mistakenly, assume is slightly big-headed and a bit of a show off. This is the one who likes to be centre of attention and will always make sure their opinion is not only heard, but certainly taken into consideration too.
Being an extrovert, this person has the great advantage of feeling comfortable and confident about their ability to perform in their role. I know this can be quite frustrating for colleagues who may not understand this type of personality but appreciating their ‘can-do’ attitude is a great start.
The one designated leader
Life is full of natural leaders. The people who aren’t afraid to go to the front of the class, those who are first to answer a question or put themselves forward for a task and generally has great innovative and creative ideas. The same is true in an office environment, I’m sure you can think of a colleague who instinctively takes the lead during a group task – someone who you’d happily follow and trust.
Not everyone is a born leader and that’s fine, as long as you show passion and illustrate the value you add to the business, you shouldn't see this person as a threat.
The one who’s a secret mastermind
Here’s the introvert of the office. The person who wouldn't necessarily instigate weekday chit chat or organise Friday night work drinks but who’s mind is working overtime – taking in every little detail. This personality is more reserved, quiet and methodical in their approach. Some may mistake this for being uninteresting and monotonous but it’s more likely it takes this person longer to build trust and friendship with colleagues than others.
It’s important not to bombard this colleague with questions as this may make them feel uncomfortable. Respect their reservations and understand how important these characteristic are to maintain a balanced environment.
The one who doesn’t stop talking
The chatterbox, on the other hand, is most likely to be the life and soul of the party. They are absolutely essential in an office environment as they help to create a fun, friendly environment. This person is likely to go out of their way organising catchups and getting to know their colleagues more like friends.
Inevitably very chatty, they can be a distraction at times. The trick is to understand the benefits of this personality type whilst avoiding temptation to encourage procrastination.
Whatever you are, you should always embrace being different and meeting other people who are different to you.
Let me know what personality type you are!
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