Friday 13 November 2020

Least Known Psychological Facts About Human By Kingsmith Akinwale

 It is true that there are many more facts available  However, below are the 10 facts compiled. 

1.The more you worry about something, the more likely it will happen.

When skipping class, the teacher will call the roll; without an umbrella, it will rain.

2. Flaunting comes from inner distrust.

Psychology believes that "always showing off to others" is a kind of expression that needs to be paid attention to and affirmed. It is likely that something is not always available to you. Once you have something, you hope to build your self-confidence with the envy of the outside world.

3.Hairdressing Law

When you ask a barber if you need a haircut, all you get is "yes."

Don't fall into the haircut law when you like someone unilaterally. You must insist not to enter this minefield:

Don't ask a careless person if you are in his heart. It's like asking a barber if you need a haircut.

4. The more you have, the less satisfied you are.

After you have a new item, you will want to constantly configure the items that suit it to achieve psychological balance. This is called "matching effect" in psychology.

5. 8.2 seconds in love.

Scientists believe that the duration of a man's first meeting with a woman determines whether they can fall in love. If a man pays attention to a woman for more than 8.2 seconds at the first meeting, he is not only attracted, but is likely to fall in love.

6. When you try to persuade someone to do something, make sure they are sitting and you are standing.

It will make them believe you more quickly.

That's why most CEOs or speakers prefer to stand up.

7. The first name on the list is more likely to be chosen and voted for.

When voting, people tend to choose the first person on the list, no matter what the list is.

8. Children who lie are more likely to succeed.

The study found that 50% of three-year-olds lie, 90% of four-year-olds cheat, and almost all 12-year-olds lie. Lying is actually a sign of cognitive development. The more healthy the cognitive development of children, the better lie skills. These children are more likely to become leaders when they grow up..

9. Happiness can be transmitted.

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, knowing happy people increases your chances of becoming happy by 15.3%, and meeting friends with happy friends increases by 9.8%.

10. If you are distracted for no reason, it means you are missing someone.

I do hope you find this facts useful. 

Please contribute. Leave a comment. 

Be phenomenal. Be great. I believe in the GREATNESS in you. 




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